The goal of complyr is to create a one-stop package for analyzing compiler causal effects.
Unignorable confounding is no stranger even for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the presence of treatment non-compliance. One fallback is the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, which unfortunately only reflects the assignment-induced causal effect. The celebrated (Angrist, Imbens & Rubin 1996) framework provides an excellent platform to tackle unmeasured confounding for estimating the complier (local) average treatment effect (ATE). This package aims to provide a suite of tools for analyzing different complier causal effects including ATE, quantile treatment effect (QTE), and probabilistic index.
You can install the development version of complyr from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example which shows you how to estimate a complier probabilistic index model, with comparison to intention-to-treat and per-protocol methods.
# Simulate some RCT data with non-compliance, see details in function docs.
df <- dgp_rct(
n = 1000,
p_c = 0.8,
alpha = 1,
beta_1 = 0.5,
beta_2 = -0.7,
error_dist = "gumbel"
# Estimate the complier probabilistic index models
# We use three methods to analyze this data set: ITT, PP, IV
# ITT: intention-to-treat
itt_fit <- upim::pim_fit(y = df$y, X = df[, c("z", "x1", "x2")], link = "logit")
# PP: per-protocol
df_pp <- df[df$z == df$a, ]
pp_fit <- upim::pim_fit(y = df_pp$y, X = df_pp[, c("a", "x1", "x2")], link = "logit")
# IV: instrumental variable
ps_model <- glm(df$z ~ 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"), x = TRUE)
iv_fit <- complyr::ivpim(y = df$y, z = df$z, a = df$a, X = df[, c("x1", "x2")],
ps_model = ps_model, link = "logit")
sum_stat <- function(model_fit) {
# get summary stats for downstream analysis
ss <- c(model_fit$coef, sqrt(diag(model_fit$vcov)))
names(ss) <- c("alpha_hat", "beta_1_hat", "beta_2_hat",
"alpha_se", "beta_1_se", "beta_2_se")
round(ss, 3)
results <-,
results$methods <- c("itt", "pp", "iv")
#> alpha_hat beta_1_hat beta_2_hat alpha_se beta_1_se beta_2_se methods
#> 1 0.744 0.354 -0.430 0.081 0.042 0.045 itt
#> 2 1.308 0.468 -0.578 0.090 0.043 0.047 pp
#> 3 1.168 0.562 -0.703 0.112 0.069 0.078 iv